Stephy Nobles-Beans
Motivational Speaker/Life Coach/Mentor/Author/Poet
What I've Learned...
I've learned, that I have a whole lot more learning to do...
I've learned, that I have not yet arrived, but I have left!
I've learned, that being 60, I still have a life to live, and I am going to live it!
I've learned, that being single is not a "disease" it does not need a cure!
I've learned, that I will love again, and it's my choice if I want that love!
I've learned, that lonliness is a choice, and I choose not to be lonely!
I've learned, that it's good to just sit and listen and shut my mouth to hear the voices of others!
I've learned, that life has true meaning, that I was born for purpose and destiny.
I've learned, that I have to love me more than anyone else, because I'm the one who spends the most time with myself.
I've learned, that learning is a process and that takes a lifetime...