She-Brews to Lead Too
"Building Stronger Women, Stronger Leaders—One Connection at a Time"

Welcome to She-Brews To Lead Too!
Our mission is to empower women to lead with confidence and purpose. This community provides mentorship, resources, and events designed to uplift, educate, and inspire women in leadership. Join us in fostering a community of growth and empowerment!"
Yes, God has called women to Lead!

Hi! I’m Stephy Nobles-Beans,
A Servant for the Masters Use,
Family Navigator, Educational Specialist, Leadership Degreed Educator, Author & Speaker
We are called to leadership, the Word of God tells us that throughout history, God has used women in leadership to fulfill His purposes, demonstrating their value and impact in His kingdom. From Deborah, a prophetess and judge who led Israel with wisdom and courage (Judges 4-5), to Esther, whose bravery saved her people, Scripture highlights women's vital roles in leadership. In the New Testament, women like Priscilla, Lydia, and Phoebe contributed significantly to the growth of the early church through teaching, hospitality, and service. These examples reveal that God equips and calls women to lead with strength, grace, and faithfulness, breaking cultural barriers to advance His mission. I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." – Louisa May Alcott…
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Hello and welcome to SHE-BREWS To Lead Too!
Do you want to learn more about women leading for the Kingdom of God?
Are you looking to step into leadership, and you want direction?
Do you wish to lead with boldness and confidence?
What does it mean to be a spiritually and emotionally healthy leader?
In this community, you'll learn the 3 L’s regarding leadership and...
How to step into the arena of leadership with confidence and boldness
How to be a spiritual and emotionally healthy leader
Learn at your own pace through my courses and coaching
As leaders for the Kingdom of God, we need to know how to lead, where to lead, and when to lead. She-Brews to Lead Too applies wisdom from the Bible, and using practical leadership tools, you too can be a woman that leads well. I can’t wait to help you to experience the amazing ways that we can lead together, all for the glory of God!